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April Newsletter 2018


In this newsletter we are pleased to announce some great new BizzWerx features and services. 

We welcome some new Authorizing Agents to BizzWerx who are looking for trades to help them via our JOBS CONNECT service.  Right now we are looking for cleaners, handymen and garden maintenance services in Sydney and between the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast Queensland.

Everyone is welcome to join our network via the Jobs Connect page, contact us or just call.

  • BizzWerx Applets - A new and easy way to interact with you staff, trades and subcontractors.
  • Jobs Connect - get work via our network
  • More Email Templates options
  • Customization Services

We are dedicated to your success and focused on making BizzWerx a powerful tool to help you run your business and save you time.  Feel free to contact us or just call.

Peter Caspari
0411 379268

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BizzWerx Applets

Do you need your staff, trades or subcontractors to update job progress easily without app install or training issues? You can now do this simply by sending an Email or SMS with a simple link. This link will open an applet on their device which can also be configured to do numerous other tasks such as customer sign-offs or image capture.

We can also help you create your own custom applets for your specific business requirements. Please contact us to set up this for your account.

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Join Jobs Connect

Do you want some extra work? Our BizzWerx Pro clients who allocate and manage work for trades can now allocate work to BizzWerx account holders thoughout Australia.

Everyone is welcome to join our network via the Jobs Connect page, simply select Yes to the highlight question regarding being available to join a network.

You can also simply contact us or just call.


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Email Templates

You can now create multiple email templates that you can choose from when sending quotes and invoices. You already have a standard template for invoice reminder emails that you can select at the bottom of the email form.

You can edit and create as many as you like in the Accounts and Settings / Email and SMS / Template List. .

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Customization Service's

If the system does not meet your exact business requirements we can customize the system for you.
If you have any questions, concerns or want something added or changed just for you please contact us


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GCS Research
Copyright 2018
PO Box 3289
Bangor NSW 2234
Peter Caspari
0411 379 268