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Alpha Launch for BizzWerx

You can access all the BizzWerx Apps in one place simply by downloading Alpha Launch from either Google Play or the Apple App Store

Start by clicking on the links below or simple search for "Alpha Launch" in either Google Play or the Apple App Store

These instructions will show you how to setup Alpha Lauch and access to BizzWerx Apps

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Connect to BizzWerx

To Access the BizzWerx Apps you first need to connect Alpha Lauch to the BizzWerx Server.

After Opening Alpha Launch for the first time click "Cancel".

Then tap on "Manage / Add" at the bottom of the display"

Then tap on "Add" again at the bottom of the display"

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Tap "Specify URL"

Tap "Add" to add a connection to BizzWerx

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Scan QR Code

To automatically enter the details of the BizzWerx server you can scan a QR Code. Tap the "Scan" button at the bottom of the Edit Server Info Page. This will bring up a camera function for reading QR Codes.

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QR Code

Point the devices camera at the QR-code to the left.

When you hear the "beep" the BizzWerx server details should be filled in so you can then click Save

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BizzWerx Server Details

If the QR-Code Scan feature didn't work then you can always manually enter these details

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BizzWerx App Installation

Tap the back button at the upper-left to return to the home screen

Tap OK for any popup messages

Tap Install to install the BizzWerx App you need. Below are some of the available apps

  • BizzWerx - The Main Job and Quote management and scheduling App for use with the system. Includes images, job notes, GPS tracking and a customer sign off.
  • JobTalk - Record voice messages directly linked to the jobs and quotes and is accessible via he attach button on the website
  • ETS - The Main Job and Quote management and scheduling App for Emergency Trades Services. Includes images, job notes, GPS tracking and reports.
  • AC Register - Free app to access the CASA aircraft register and finds aircraft images on flickr
  • Inspectify - Access your own customised inspection reports

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Updating Alpha Launch Apps

After an upgrade to an app available via Alpha-Launch you may be required to update an app

Click here for details on how to update Alpha Launch apps